ways to keep in touch

We're like two peas in a pod and want to keep it that way! That's why we've made it a breeze for you to stay connected!

Mailing list

We’ll update you monthly-ish with the latest news and prayer updates in your mailbox. Sign up in the box to the right!

Occasionally, we may need to send more than one email a month; this will only happen sometimes!

WhatsApp Channel

WhatsApp now has something cool called “channels”! And guess what? We’ll be able to send you the latest news, prayer requests, and epic updates! Just tap this link from your mobile and let the magic begin! And don’t fret; we won’t peek into your private stuff - just your name and profile pic. Join us now!

email us

We're that cool hip and happening here at Dorset Youth for Christ that you can email us!

To reduce spam bots messaging us about a parcel we didn't order that has been delivered or that we owe the HMRC a precise amount of £145.89!

We won't put full emails here; if you want to contact any of the team, email (their) firstname@dorsetyfc.co.uk



Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!